The Project - Aim

The project's aim

"Art against Walls", the name says it all. Everyone can express himself or herself by means of art. Art is able to convey what we think and feel, no matter our language or origin. It gives us the chance to create bonds with each other, to communicate on a very personal level and to celebrate our individuality.

By means of artistic expression the project aims to establish new kinds of relationships, e.g. between the near past and the future, between school matters and out-of-school experiences, between individual creation processes and medial converting, between learning and creating.

Art against Walls is a free project serving as a platform for global exchange between cultures. It wants to invite all to stand up against injustice and racism, and for a world open to everyone.

With this project we want to work against forgetting and to create, together with our current and future partners, a unique and lasting experience full of potential to reach a large number of young people.

"Art against Walls" wants to raise the awareness of young people for one another at an early stage. This is an awareness for cooperation and respect towards the individuality of every single person.

We are very happy about your solidarity and your participation. Only together we can make a difference!
